When mercury dips the pain rises. The low level strikes achiness in winters. The reason is not yet clear why chilled winds increases pain and discomfort. The arthritis pain may affect all through the year but worsen in winters. Have you ever wondered why some people get to know that winter is on its way?

The most commonly pain occurs in weight-bearing joints such as knees, hips, and ankles, though any part of the body may be affected in winters. Some theories suggest that in winters the body needs more energy and conserves heat and maintain it the blood flows more to heart and lungs.  It results in constriction of blood vessels and due to less blood flow in the arms, legs, shoulder which eventually causes discomfort and pain.

Regardless the cause, some people will experience stiffness and pain. The best way is to keep you warm.

What to do to prevent the aches and pain

1- Get well dressed

  • Wear full coverage warm clothes
  • Always protect your head from chilled winds and snow
  • Avoid your head and feet to catch cold or get wet
  • Use gloves and warm socks

2- Eat healthy

Eat Healthy- load with food that has:-

  • Fats– foods with omega- 3 fatty acids such as nuts and sea food, fish oil are helps in alleviate pain and swelling.
  • Vitamins– Vitamin K in found in green leafy vegetables like, cabbage, kale, spinach possess anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamin C found abundant in oranges, tomatoes, bell pepper aids in soothing pain.

Avoid refined food that triggers pain and swelling which includes corn oil, refined sugars and flours.

3- Exercise is must

Don’t let winters hamper your body, keep moving. Workout and keep your body pain free and warm. Try yoga poses indoors, keep exercising your joints but do not overdo. Try some low-impact aerobic moves. Pump up our heart.

4- Supplements

Glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin helps in lubricating joint. Pop-in some Vitamin D supplements for bone health. Try to avoid NSAIDS as they have side-effects. Use natural medicinal oil, ointments or spray to keep your knee warm.

Ayurvedic oils, ointments or sprays can be used as over-the counter medications. The ayurveda not only helps in treating the disease but also uprooting the cause of disease and maintaining the balance of the five elements of life. These five elements includes: wind, water, earth, fire and space. The imbalance between these elements causes dosha, which are known as Vata, Pitta and Kapah.


Winter pain can be alleviated with the help of Dr. Ortho, an ayurvedic treatment. Dr. Ortho oil, ointment and spray have been formulated using herbs carefully with long lasting relief from pain and swelling. It penetrates into the affected area resulting in quick relief with sustainable effect. Adding on Dr. Ortho ayurvedic capsules with oil has synergistic effect.

Dr Ortho- oil

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