Our daily routine plays an important role in our physical and mental health. Small habits can make a huge difference in our life. Many people have trouble with their habits and they are not able to follow daily routine. It is also a cause of various ailments and joint pain is quite common among them. In today’s busy life schedule, it becomes hectic to follow any prescribed daily routine. So, here we are describing few daily routine tips that are helpful in alleviating joint pain condition and very simple to follow. These tips are:

  1. Start a day with Luke warm Water:

Start your day by drinking a glass full of luke-warm water and you can add honey in water if it suits you. It is advised that do not drink water in a standing position as it is not good for health.

  1. Live a healthy lifestyle

It becomes difficult to do exercise when you are suffering from joint pain and swelling as it can actually increase the pain problems. Instead of trying high impact exercise you can do some low impact exercises such as swimming or walking. These exercises help to relieve from joint pain and put a low impact over the joints. Try these exercises to stay active in your life.

  1. Get a sound sleep:

Taking a good sleep is one of the best habits and essential for better health. Studies show that due to the modern lifestyle, adults take sleep less than 6 hours which can cause the stress, anxiety, lower heart health and joint aches and pain.

  1. Massage regular:

Massage twice a day gently over the affected joint. You can use Dr.Ortho Ayurvedic joint pain oil for massage. Take 5 to 10 ml oil on your palm and apply and massage gently for 10-15 minutes over affected joints.

  1. Natural supplements: Take natural supplements which are enriched with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. You can take 2 capsules of Dr.Ortho Ayurvedic capsules twice a day to relieve from joint pain. These capsules are enriched with the potent validated herbs that work synergistically to relieve from joint pain.
  2. Balance your body weight: if you are obese and contain weight greater than the normal weight then it is advised that control your weight as it helps to minimizing stress on the weight-bearing joints such as the knees and the joints of the feet. It can also minimize your risk of developing other health problems.
  3. Keep a positive attitude and mind-set:

Keeping a positive attitude toward life can help a lot. Make compromises when needed and try to discard unnecessary and difficult tasks. Take a rest and breaks while working.

Dr.Ortho Ayurvedic joint pain oil

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