Knee joint pain and muscle pains are two problems that everyone faces in their lives at one stage or the other. Dr. Ortho is a trusted brand dedicated to this segment of wellness. Over the years, customers have developed faith in Dr Ortho Ayurvedic oil and capsules. Here, we will see what you must keep in mind while using these products.

Instructions to use Dr. Ortho oil and capsules for knee joint pain

Dr. Ortho oil and capsules are ayurvedic. With herbal ingredients like pudina oil and gandhapura oil, these are more beneficial. Especially for easing muscle, joint and knee pains. The instructions to use these are as follows:

  • Avoid unhealthy dietary habits.
  • Maintain your health.
  • Take the Dr. Ortho ayurvedic capsules every day.
  • Use Dr. Ortho oil for easing knee joint pain.

Cautions to bear in mind while using Dr. Ortho Ayurvedic capsules and oil for knee joint pain

With every product that you use for your wellness, you must keep in mind the cautions. It is important to be careful while using products for your body. Here is a list of things you must be mindful of:

  • Take the Capsules twice a day along with a glass of milk or water, as per your preference.
  • Do not massage the oil with force.
  • Take 5 ml of oil and apply it with gentle hands for your knee joint pain or any other joint.
  • These are Ayurvedic products, do check the ingredients. To make sure that you are not allergic to anything.

For more information, feel free to check our website and social media handles. Stay healthy, stay fit.

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How to use Dr. Ortho Ayurvedic Capsules?

2 capsules twice daily after ½ h of meals with luke warm milk/water or as directed by physician For more...
